Saturday, April 27, 2024

August Anime Gear + Collection

aqw design notes

So when the original owner of the account contacts player support and recovers their account... In this regard, the scammer rips off both the original owner and the buyer. This is why we do not allow the selling, trading, or sharing of accounts. Again, there are no security vulnerability in our system. Our password are one-way encrypted and not even the staff can see or unencrypt them. Which is why once again, and I cannot stress this enough...


During some tests of the armor importer, the process said it would take 60 hours for just the armors starting with an "A"! Honestly, there are a lot of things I do not understand about the importer and its complex set of daisy-chained systems. Anything I am writing now is probably oversimplified and inaccurate. Warlic & Spider (and now Zhoom, too) have been experimenting and working on potential solutions. As of Monday's full team sync up, things are finally looking promising. When you get items, they will go into a special loot bag.

Thursday, April 18: Legion Token + Rib Boost

Things that we did when we were first making the game that would haunt us for the decade and a half that followed. We only get one shot at making the base of AQWorlds Infinity right. Once the game is live and you are playing it, it will be too late to change the core stuff. So we are going to get these things right now, while we still can.

Rewards of Madness

While your target suffers from Blood Loss, all non lifesteal healing they receive is negated. Deals damage and applies Bloodlust, increasing your Crit Damage by 10% for 10 seconds, stacks to 10. Thrust your battleaxe forward, eviscerating your target. Deals damage and applies Titan's Fury, increasing your Haste by 20% for 15 seconds. Also applies Disemboweled, increasing your target's damage taken by 30% for 15 seconds.

08/2023 - Class Bug Fixes and Quality of Life Updates

Rifts no longer require Deadlock proc states to apply. Instead, Deadlock states now offer a stat bonus for a short time. This makes the class simpler to play, less prone to mistakes, and small cooldown changes make it slightly faster as well, without significantly impacting its performance. Performance and niche applicability increased. Mana costs increased to compensate for increased mana generation from new Damage over Time effects. Historically, Talon Twisting has been the catalyst of several unintended interactions with certain classes.

aqw design notes

FINAL WEEK: Draconic Assassin Set

God of the Depths is intended to be a more accessible challenge fight in comparison to others. After some observation, we've concluded that it's in a good spot difficulty wise, but it is taking certain parties quite a long time to clear it. Therefore, the resistances of the God of the Depths have been lowered, the debuffs are slightly less frequent, and the Sacrosanct Tendril's respawn time has been increased. This week's class updates include changes to NOT A MOD, Dragonslayer General, and Chrono ShadowSlayer. Giving Chunin a few quality of life updates that should also improve its performance a tad.

2/24 - Class Updates

Notably, all damage is now magical and Synchronizing now affects your crit stats instead of magical damage. We found Rogue to already be in a good spot, but some of its cooldowns were a lot longer than they needed to be, so we've made some adjustments that should make it feel better to play. Fixing an unintended interaction with Ultra Exos' Touch of Chaos aura. The cooldown of the skill has also been reduced as it took quite a while to actually fire off.

Running List of Class Updates, Balance updates, and More

A couple of weeks ago, we announced that changes to NOT A MOD and Legion Paladin are in the works. These are still planned to happen, but as both classes are in need of overhauls, it will take some before they are ready to be released. Be sure to keep an eye on the AQW Class Team Twitter for updates as they get closer to release. Therefore, we've shifted some of Execute's power into utility that more classes should be able to make use of. Craft pieces of the Sacred Forest Dragon armor set, and find additional items as reward drops from monsters. A known trouble maker returned and apparently bought a list of 500 scammed/hacked accounts from a scammer online and has been causing a stir with it.

New Featured Gear Shop Items: Yokai & DOOM

This reason is why you should never use the same password on multiple sites. It does not matter how secure we are if hackers find your password somewhere else. Each Arcana's Debris will cost either 1 Darkon or King Drago Insignia, and if you are only using Arcana's Debris to obtain the class, you will need a total of 80.

Log in now and begin to battle to collect ALL THE GEAR in Darkon's Garden, Astravia, and the new /Arcana map. Yes, I know maybe some of you are still new to this, but please, at least read the design notes. Not only on Reddit, some other communities also asking the same question.

Deals damage and applies Crippling Smash, reducing your target's outgoing damage by 60% and Crit Chance by 30% for 8 seconds. Also has a 25% chance to stun your target for 1 second. These changes buff Chrono ShadowSlayer's baseline and smooth some parts of its playstyle. This also empowers non-Gunslinger mode by proportionally increasing the damage of FMJ Rounds.

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